Mission of BBC

Mission Statement of BBC

Bethel Bible College is a vision pursued, a venture of faith, with the mission of equipping young men and women to share the Gospel, plant new churches, and provide pastoral and other services to the church and society. The College, its faculty, Board of Directors, and supporters are interdenominational and ecumenical in orientation, united by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and rooted in the Bible. Soli Deo Gloria!

Aims and Objectives

The college envisions six objectives to fulfill the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ as given in the Great Commission:

• To train young men and women who have a genuine call for evangelistic and pastoral ministries.

• To prepare young men and women to lead a life of spiritual and academic excellence that would make them suitable future leaders of the church and society.

• To provide the students with various opportunities for ministry both inside the college and among the neighboring rural and urban communities.

• To help the students to discover and explore their God-given gifts and talents and encourage them to translate them into skills like writing, painting, preaching, singing, music and other such arts, at the same time being sensitive to the needs of the people, especially the poor and the oppressed.

• To provide the church in India with dedicated and talented indigenous leadership who would transcend all the denominational boundaries and trigger the outreach deeper into the nerves of the society. To train and encourage the students to become aware of the pluralistic religious and cultural context of our country for effective communication of the Gospel

Values Pursued by BBC

Theological Values

The College is committed to the lordship of Jesus Christ and the upbuilding of His church as the aim of theological education. All courses and activities are centred on the Bible, the foundation of our common faith. The College seeks to help students to be faithful to the Scriptures and to sincerely apply them, holistically, to their own lives and contexts. Thus, prayer, worship, and service are integral parts of the College’s programme. As the College is ecumenical and interdenominational in orientation, students are also encouraged to learn from and participate in the rich traditions of other churches and denominations.


Educational Values

The College follows the syllabus for the B.D. programme as provided by the Senate of Serampore College (revised in 2010). The syllabus is broad in scope and contextual in application. As such, the College and its faculty members seek to apply the latest insights and resources to the instructional process so that students are well-equipped for future ministry and further studies. The College’s library is rapidly developing and is well stocked with both the latest scholarship as well as the best of traditional and foundational works.


Relational and Personal Values

The College and its faculty recognize the dignity and worth of each individual student and seek to serve them in their growth and development. The students and faculty meet in prayer each morning and throughout the day have opportunities for interaction apart from the classroom. In addition, special events throughout the year help the student body to grow together as a community. The College desires for the success of each student and offers career and other counselling as applicable in order to help students make the most of their time at the College.


Ministerial Values

The College and its faculty believe that while theological education is foundational to ministry, its one true end can only be the ministry. Accordingly, while at the College, students are encouraged to discover and exercise their spiritual gifts and God-given talents in order to set out on the path to fulfilling their callings. Students are given ample opportunities to acquire practical experience during their studies. Bethel Bible College is located near a slum in Guntur, and its life and ministry are deeply connected with the local church, community, and neighbouring villages. Students have constant opportunities for ministry in the immediate setting. In compliance with the stipulations of the Senate of Serampore College/University, all B.D. students undergo weekend practical ministry and a six-month internship program. In line with the new curriculum, the six-month intensive practical work is normally adjusted with summer holidays and Christmas vacation. This may also be arranged with students’ own churches and dioceses; the College keeps in close contact with these churches to help ensure that the students progress and develop as needed. Other internship opportunities are also available, as well as occasional ministry field trips to other parts of Andhra Pradesh and other states in India.

BBC BD Admissions is opened for 2025. Last date for application submission is 30th April 2025.